This August 8-11 at the College Audition Prep Weekend, in addition to our informational sessions for students and parents led by college audition coach and author Mary Anna Dennard and TWU professor Rebecca Fredrickson, we are excited to add a new element to our curriculum. While we encourage our kids to pursue their dreams, the reality of life is that we also have to figure out how to pay for them. Scholarships are often only part of the equation. Doug Bryan is a tremendous resource for parents with a positive talent for evaluating and developing financial plans for reaching educational goals.
For the past 10 years, Doug Bryan has been showing families how to pay wholesale instead of retail for college…regardless of income.
Even though your theater student will likely get a “discount” on college with their talent, there’s still significant financial obligation you’ll be responsible for paying.
Doug refers to the college admissions and financial aid process as a “game”. As with any game, the advantage goes to the player who more fully understands the rules and strategies. Most of the time, that advantage goes to the university. Over the past decade, he has not only studied the rules, but kept up with the countless changes to those rules in order to keep the playing field level for his clients. Doug’s college knowledge helps families pay wholesale instead of retail for college regardless of income. (Most of his clients do NOT qualify for income-based grants or scholarships.)
While Doug won’t play the game for parents in his one-hour workshop titled, What To Do If You Don’t Have $400K to Bribe Your Way Into College, he will show how the game is played so parents can play it to their advantage. Not only is this workshop educational, but you’ll find Doug to be entertaining as well. (You wouldn’t expect a boring presentation at a theater camp, would you?)
On the personal side, Doug’s youngest daughter is a theater major at Oklahoma City University with a double emphasis in Stage Management and Technical Direction.
To my knowledge, this is the only camp in the country that addresses the financial reality of college for the parents of theater students. Please plan to attend Doug Bryan’s workshop on Saturday afternoon. You’ll be glad you did. I was.